About Us

KeepsakeI have had a lifelong love of cats as far back as I can remember. Summers on the farm were spent catching feral kittens—taming, bathing, and turning them into pets. I had never owned a purebred cat until one of my daughters read about the Ragdoll cat and the amazing qualities they possess. We searched and found an eight month old male in need of a home. He was so sweet and was the most loving cat we had ever seen. Although he was not the best representative of the breed, we loved him in spite of his flaws. Sadly he developed kidney problems and after many visits to the vet and our best efforts, he passed away. I waited several years, and my desire to get another Ragdoll cat kept getting stronger. I searched for a breeder and found a kitten I just had to have. The breeder said we had to agree to show him. I thought it might be kind of fun…and the rest is history. I instantly loved bathing and primping my cat, readying him for the show ring. He quickly became a Regional Winner Supreme Grand Champion in TICA. I decided I wanted to raise these amazing cats for others to enjoy—thus, the beginning of Holmestead Ragdolls.

I am a pet groomer recently retired after 20 plus years of owning my own shop. Now I can dedicate most of my time to my Ragdolls.

My husband and I are both fourth generation farmer/ranchers. Our ranch has been in my family for over 100 years.  We raise registered Red Angus cattle for replacement bulls and heifers, and also have a herd of commercial Black Angus beef cattle.

Animal husbandry seems to be in our DNA.